Thursday, 26 April 2012

exam success

Congratulations to all the students who took exams in the Spring session. All students passed with high marks. The Music Theatre candidates all achieved Distinction.
Tips for exam success - choose your songs early, and get the memorising done. Then you can concentrate on really producing a tip-top performance. Plan your costumes and props well in advance.
I recommend The Pocket guide to Musicals by Maureen Hughes - you can research the information easily for your discussion with the examiner.

Greenstede Singers success

The Greenstede Singers enjoyed taking part in the East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival in March. We were proud to take home the Terence Kennedy Shield and lovely comments from the adjudicator. "A smart and musical choir - colorful in sound and vision"

At the end of March we  sang in a charity concert organised by the local Soroptimists, which raised £1500!
Our mix of classical, folk and popular songs was much appreciated by the audience.

We have two upcoming Jubilee dates -

Felbridge Country (Jubilee) Fair June 16th
Jubilee Celebration concert featuring Purcell's Come Ye sons of Art (Birthday Ode for Queen Mary 1694) -October 28th at the Peredur Centre for Arts, dunnings road, East Grinstead .